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Alex Bertaina

A dream

within the deep

of my soul

A memory often arises in me when I come home, a picture where I see a pristine landscape in which prevails a diffused warm lighting that envelops everything. This desire for unspoiled nature in which man has not yet humanized landscape has been travelling with me since my childhood, when in the jumble of scribbles made by my classmates at school I tried to create my own world clean and tidy. 
In the works I sense the tension and stress of modern life where nothing ever stands still and we are quickly overwhelmed by the frenzy of passing time. I do not surrender to it and I seek for purity in a contaminated place due to human intervention on the environment, where the profit was not able to defend the territory causing him serious injuries. 
I seek purity through my works

Il logo della galleria Artclub di Lione, che rappresenta il disegno di un palazzo e una stata equestre

Gallery Artclub Lyon,

personal exhibition in November 2022

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Studio in Cuneo, Piedmont, Italy

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